I know, I know. It's well past New Year's. But, there is still Chinese New Year! So... I'm not really late.
I wanted to, above all else, thank all of our patrons in 2010! Without our patrons, this place has no reason to be. We do what we do so that our patrons have a nice place to come and hear great music and dance and have a little romance.
I also want to thank our fabulous performers! You folks make this place so much more than just a great dance floor. We have up to 20 live shows a week, with 18 performers, as well as our Big Band Night with DJ Suzetta Moonites. For 6 hours a day, some days, this place is filled with marvelous live music.
So, I say THANK YOU! to all of our patrons and performers in 2010! And, I will tell you that 2011 is looking to be even better! We're in the SL Destination Guide now, under Romance. Because of that, we have had even more folks at our shows.
Just please keep one thing in mind: a lot of these folks are SL newbees. So, please have a little patience if they go barreling over or through you while you're dancing. And - as so many folks have in the past week - give them a helping hand. Let them remember how great the folks are, here at Cafe Casablanca.
We also had a great set of people come by in early January from a new group called the Nostalgia Navigators. A group of folks on the SL Forums were looking for places with some old-time style and class (and music), and they chose Cafe Casablanca for their first outing. They came down to dance at our Big Band Night on Thursday, and had a blast. Conlaoch and NytEyes had a great time, too. They do love to see the place packed with people having a good time. They are welcome back anytime! (I tried linking to a picture that Quinn took and put in the Nostalgia Navigators Flickr, but I am not sure it is linking. Go here and then look around.)
I was told I shouldn't hint at plans that aren't solid, yet. And, I won't. But, I will say that we do have big ideas for 2011. Please keep an eye out here for announcements and such. (As a matter of fact, look for a big announcement in the next two days!)