If you've been to the club in the last month or so, you have seen the kiosk near the piano for Relay For Life (RFL) or heard the announcements about it. We are proud that Cafe Casablanca is involved with this effort, again this year.
Relay For Life is an offshoot of the American Cancer Society, and serves a couple of purposes. Yes, it is a fundraiser - RFL in SL raised over US$200,000 in 2010. It is also a chance to celebrate survivors, remember loved ones, and fight back. Besides the huge main event July 16-17, there are loads of smaller events around the grid for individual RFL teams.
In support of the Rays of Hope RFL team (of which NytEyes and Conlaoch are co-captains), Cafe Casablanca has put together an extravaganza on Sunday, 15 May: Headliners For Hope! We have twelve (12!) straight hours of live performances, back-to-back. These are not back-benchers, either. These are some of the most fabulous performers in Second Life. The event starts at 9am SL time, and runs until 9pm. The scheduled performers include (in order):
- Gina Gracemount
- Annabel Trafalgar
- Kaycee Drayman
- Jewels Osterham
- RichardScott Barcelos
- Eponine Dench
Declan Greenfield- Glolo Ling
- MrMikie String
- Paulette Oldrich
- Hayden Sandalwood
- Lance Windlow
- Dilah Halostar
This line-up includes off-Broadway performers, professional choral members, 20-year freelancers, and all-around fantastic artists!
All the performers are donating their tips from this performance to RFL. (We will also be donating venue tips for the day.) And, of course, you can always drop extra lindens directly in the kiosk. RFL in SL raises a significant amount of money (they hit their millionth dollar in late April!) for the fight against cancer and in support of those battling it. So far, this year, Rays of Hope has raised approximately L$246,000. I bet, if all of our marvelous patrons turn out, and bring a friend, and are as generous as we know they all are, we could move this to an even L$300,000 during our event.
We all have had cancer touch our lives in some way: family members, friends, loved ones. Some of these we have lost to the disease, others are still with us, having fought and won, and still others are fighting right now (including one of our team co-captains, Veronica Ogleby). Please come out and join us for this fantastic event. Wear purple (the RFL color) and comfortable shoes. (Hmmmm... you ladies and gents might want to find a store event supporting RFL and pick up a new outfit, maybe some new shoes....)
Celebrate, remember, and fight!
Update: Declan will be unable to participate, and Mr Glolo Ling has agreed to step into his time slot. Thank you, Lolo, for helping out.
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